Planning Team


Ed Marion Reunion Coordinator
Marsha Sams Marion

Memorial book update; Table display; Meetings & reunion programs

Lynn Moser Williamson Communication; Maintain/update
database & RJR reunion website
Penny Thompson Gettings Communication; Name tags
Alan Cameron Treasurer
Martha Culler Howle Search for missing classmates; Name tags
Jean Slawter Kester Memorial table display
Peter Van Dorsten Venue research; Emcee Sat. night
Kent LaRoque Memorial of classmates we’ve lost in past 6 years
Syd Cuningham Assistant treasurer; Fri. venue search
Ellen Kirby RJR reunion website
Sara Nash Crowder Black & Gold decorations for Sat. night
Rick Crowder Advisor; 60’s music for reunion
Sarah Johnson Editor
Ken Dawson Remote advisor

Communication Committee & Phone Calls to encourage attendance:

Merry Swanson Barber  
Pauline Bambalis Compos
Syd Cuningham
Jane Keiger Gehring
Marilyn Markuson Hall 
Janet Harrold
Martha Culler Howle 
Sarah Johnson
Jean Slawter Kester
Ellen Kirby
Betty Norman Parker                               
Penny Thompson Gettings
Lynn Moser Williamson 
Ed Marion   

Ken Dawson and Jon Vickers
Ken Dawson and Jon Vickers
Anne Brownlee Hobgood and Lynn Moser Willamson working on registration materials
Anne Brownlee Hobgood and Lynn Moser Willamson working on registration materials
Ann Brownlee Hobgood and Lynn Moser Williamson review materials for the Registration packet which will be mailed to those who do not have email.

Jon Vickers and Jeff Miller swapping stories at the Planning Team meeting at Rosemary G. Pulliam's home
Jon Vickers and Jeff Miller swapping stories at the Planning Team meeting at Rosemary G. Pulliam's home
Ed Turner and Ken Dawson catching up during a Planning Team meeting
Ed Turner and Ken Dawson catching up during a Planning Team meeting