Registration Form
RJR High School Reunion, Class of 1963
Deadline for Registration extended to
To see who is registered, go to the tab "Who's Coming" on the left column
Note: To print a copy of this form, select File/Print, or right click/Print.
60th Reunion, October 13-14th 2023
----- Please Print -----
First Name______________________________
Student Last Name________________________
Current Last Name________________________
Address ___________________________________________________
City _________________________State ____Zip ___________
Email: ______________________________
Home Phone ________________ Cell Phone ______________
Spouse/Guest (for name tag)_______________________________________
# People. $ Amount
Friday--“Meet and Greet”
$15.00/person_x_________________ =__________________
Saturday--Main Event FCC
$55.00/person x_________________ =__________________
Best Value for Both Nights
$60.00 per person x________________ = _______________
Please make checks payable to: "RJR Class of '63 Reunion" and return ASAP, but no later than September 28, 2023.
Check Enclosed $_________________Ck#________________
Donation $_________________Total $___________________
You may mail your check and the included Registration Form to:
Alan Cameron, (Class Treasurer), 300 Flyntvalley Ct.,
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Or pay electronically on Zelle
$_____________ by Zelle on _________(date)
Donation: $______________Total $_____________
If you pay electronically using
Zelle (a secure digital payment network available through many banks/credit unions), send your Zelle payment directly to the class reunion bank account at
Contact Alan at this same email if you have questions.
If you pay by
Zelle, you will still need to mail
OR email your Registration Form to Alan Cameron.
Please consider including a separate donation for our Class of ’63 reunion expenses.
Be sure to check out our RJR Website: for updated information.
We look forward to seeing you!