Classmate News
On Saturday, June 6, 2015, two of our classmates, who reconnected at our 50th high school reunion, Eddie Lee Marion and Marsha Sams Thrift, were united in Holy Matrimony at First Presbyterian Church, downtown Winston-Salem at 5 oclock in the evening.  A dinner reception followed at Brookstown Inn.  Congratulations and best wishes to Eddie and Marsha from the RJR Class of 1963!

“On the day that St. Valentine is celebrated, we think of Valentine cards and  boxes of candy as well as bright red hearts and clothes. More importantly,we think of "LOVE"

I just want all of you to know that I proposed to Marsha - the "Love of my Life" - on Valentine's Day.  She is the loving, caring and wonderful woman with whom I want to spend the rest of my life.  Fortunately for me, she said "YES" and our new life together will soon begin.  Stay tuned for all the fun, details and dates.....”

With Much Excitement & Anticipation,


In September, our classmate, Rev. Dr. Edwin L Plowman, invited classmates in the area to attend the Children's Home 105th Founders Day Celebration in which he was the guest minister at the 11 am service.  Several classmates attended this event.  Also, our classmate Ellen Kirby was there to give us a tour of the Food Garden she oversees for the Second Harvest Food Bank on the Children's Home property.  It was a wonderful celebration and visit with friends.

(left to right, Jon Vickers, Marsha Sams Thrift, Ed Marion, Ellen Kirby, Janet Haynes Mathis, Pat Orrell Messick, Ralph Messick, Lynn Moser Williamson, Richard Williamson and the Rev. Dr. Ed Plowman.)